A lot longer than you’d think, or, at least, a lot longer than I thought.
I had assumed, maybe that should be presumed, that it would perhaps take a few weeks but I hadn’t counted on two factors. One being just how much assorted crap I had managed to accumulate, two being laziness. You see upon being faced with the enormity of the task in hand I found myself opting for the "do anything else" or "unpack only what I really need" options and watching the telly!
In other news, the downstairs of my house is relatively unpacked now since I had some visitors last weekend who needed space so that they could sleep. However, upstairs is jam packed now with boxes and other crap
In further news my dental crown came out Tuesday night thanks to a toffee. If I’m really unlucky dentist says it’ll cost £300 to put right I’m hoping the alternative cheaper options will work. I currently have what feels like Polyfiller type putty blocking the "enormous hole", that’s a direct quote from my dentist, that the crown was filling.
Good news – I will be going to the Knitting & Stitching Show next week And, I’ll be recording some interviews for KnitCast. No, really, it really is returning to the podways. So that means I’ll be curing RSS feeds all over again! Oh joy…
Ahem… if you need help weeding out Lush products, I’m your woman.
And re: Hell Boy – in my defense for the Cat people comment, there ARE at least kittens in it.
Hi! My bf Andrew Wong directed me to your site and Twitter, as I love knitting and Doctor Who as well, plus all other geekerific stuff. Didn’t want you to see me on Twitter and think you had a stalker or some such.