Last day

Well what’s the best way to spend the last evening of your holiday in Toronto? With Amy Singer of Knitty of course! Andy and I met Amy, took the bus to her neighbourhood and then visited her LYS The Naked Sheep. What a lovely store! Wish I could transplant it to Cardiff or at least build a wormhole to it so that I could always be near Fleece Artist and Hand Maiden yarns.

Of course I bought more yarn –  Haiden Maiden Wavy Scarf kit & Angel Scarf Kit, Soft Wrap/scarf kit by Fleece Artist and a silk Lantern Moon bag.

I also met the fabulous Denny and interviewed her and Amy for the next KnitCast. It should be online on Monday! I recorded it all onsite and I hope that you can tell how much fun we were having while recording it!

Now, I have to pack and try and squeeze all that yarn into my case!

One Reply to “Last day”

  1. hey Marie!
    I’ve been looking on the knitcast site, and I hate to admit technological illiteracy, but can’t find your knitcast archives pre-2005…can you point me int he right direction?
    (I’m downloading all the ‘casts into my new itunes)