Meet Tiger…
He’s a one and half-year-old long-haired tabby. A very friendly boy seen here in a blur of fur…
The photos don’t really do him justice. He’s large but not fat. His long hair seems to get lost in the photos.
We had the call this morning that we were approved and could take him home this coming Saturday. We’ll be settling him in slowly, getting the other cats used to his scent and him to theirs.
I’ve still got a terrible cough although my voice is a little better. Monday is podcast day and I’m a bit worried about sounding croaky on the intro to the second Ally Pally interview. Hopefully I can rest my voice a bit more on the weekend.
Knitting wise I’m half-way through casting off the Sabrina Tam in rib. I will be so happy to finish that because the yarn in combination with the needles has been very tough on my hands. After that I’ll return to the silky softness of the Kyoto cardi. Someone in the comments, I’m so sorry I can’t remember who off hand, asked about the hand of the knitted Kyoto fabric. It’s very soft and light. It’s also very warm because of the kid mohair. Kyoto is lovely to work with and I would have bought some more in San Francisco last month if I had seen the colour I wanted.
Tiger says “I’m not fat, I’m big-boned!”
He’s gorgeous!
Wonderful! Can’t wait to meet him!!
Does he know what he’s letting himself in for? Have you checked that he likes Star Trek? He seems to be saying: “Patrick Stewart is a bald git”. 🙂